Our Resources
Welcome to our resource hub, created with love for the LGBTQ+ community, their friends, whānau, and allies. Explore our collection of supportive and uplifting resources, designed to help you connect, grow, and thrive together.
Rainbow Rights
Got questions about your rights as a rainbow person in Aotearoa? We can help! This website aims to provide accessible information about the legal rights of rainbow young people in Aotearoa.
Growing Up Takatāpui: Whānau Journeys
Interviews with seven takatāpui rangatahi and their whānau inform this resource about the journey to and the importance of whānau support in a takatāpui young person's life.
How To Be A Trans Ally - A Beginner’s Guide
This resource, created in collaboration with Lush and InsideOUT is a simple, no-nonsense guide about how to be a great ally to the transgender and gender diverse communities.
Out Loud Aotearoa
A project that uses art to tell the stories of queer and gender diverse people’s experiences and hopes for New Zealand’s mental health and addiction services. Out of this project, we created a report that outlines the themes and recommendations found through the stories shared. We then submitted the report to the 2018 Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Accessing Gender-Affirming Care in Aotearoa
This resource is for anyone looking for information on accessing gender-affirming healthcare in Aotearoa. The resource compiles publicly available information across the 20 DHBs in the country, aiming to provide information to queer, gender-diverse and intersex people looking to access gender-affirming healthcare.
Homelessness in the Queer, Gender-Diverse and Intersex Community
This resource, created with support from the Waitematā Local Board is for anyone who provides housing support in Aotearoa. It is an introductory guide providing research, tools and tips about how to support queer, gender-diverse and intersex young people experiencing homelessness.
Queer & Trans 101 comic
Order our Queer and Trans 101 comic and matching posters which cover the basics of gender diversity and sexuality. They’re great to break the ice with someone who’s really new to these topics - and suit a range of ages. The comic is part of a project called The I’m Local Project, an initiative which aims to get free resources out to communities and organisations all around Aotearoa.
Starting and Strengthening Diversity Groups
How to start and successfully run a QSA (Queer-Straight Alliance) group in your school. We refresh this 2011 resource with our friends at InsideOUT and are excited to share this with anyone looking for tips and best practice around running diversity groups. Visit InsideOut website to order copies.
A support guide for parents of intersex rangatahi
This guide is written by those with Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC), otherwise known as intersex. With this resource we invite you to seek out support and to share in some key concepts we wish our parents had access to when we were young.
He Takatāpui Ahau: Māori & Sexual Fluidity
A quick fact sheet on the history of colonisation in Aotearoa and its impact on Māori understandings of gender & sexuality.
Activate your Allyship
Some tips and tricks to activate your Allyship at Work, School, Online, in your community and in everyday life.
Intersex Awareness Poster
Simple and printable poster with the basics of understanding Intersex
All About Intersex
A downloadable resource for everything you need to know about intersex identities and diverse sex characteristics.
How To Be A Good Bisexual+ Ally
A quick fact sheet on the identities that exist within the bisexual umbrella, and a breakdown of some of the common myths faced by bisexual+ people.
Resources about Rainbow Mental Health
A collection of resources about rainbow mental health.
Storm Clouds and Rainbows – The Journey of Parenting a Transgender Child
This resource offers insights from a parent perspective on how best to support a transgender child. It is based on international research and interviews with parents in Aotearoa from different social and cultural backgrounds, who were asked to reflect on their experience of raising a transgender child.
Inside Out: Set of Free Teaching Resources
These videos are for use in schools (years 11-13) to decrease homophobic and transphobic bullying. They meet NZ Curriculum and Health Curriculum objectives, including relating to others, fostering healthy communities, critical thinking, participating and contributing, sexual health and development, interpersonal skills and attitudes, stereotypes and managing self. Created in partnership between RainbowYOUTH, Curative & Core Education.
Supporting Aotearoa's Rainbow People
This guide is for anyone who provides mental health support in Aotearoa, including (but not limited to) counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, tohunga (Māori healers), social workers, mental health nurses, and GPs. It will also be helpful for youth workers, group facilitators, and peer supporters. It is a practical guide providing tools and tips about how to support the rainbow community.