We’re Hiring!
We’re looking for new members to join our close-knit team! We are passionate about empowering and uplifting queer and gender diverse young people and working to dismantle the barriers they face in our society. Apply now!
Join a Group
We’re about fostering safe, inclusive, accepting and diverse environments that are sober, family friendly spaces. Check what groups are running and how you can join one!
Auckland Pride: Dress with Pride!
Pick out some clothes and makeup and even get a cute haircut. After that, eat some yummy kai and make some signs and badges with your friends to get you in the mood for the Auckland Pride March ahead! Sign up now!
Who are we?
Whāia tō ake ngākaunui, i te pono, i te mārama | Know who you are, be who you are.
Explore our mission, values, and the ways we support and empower rainbow young people across Aotearoa. Learn how we honor Te Tiriti by understanding, supporting, and empowering rangatahi takatāpui at individual, whānau, and community levels.
Interviews with seven takatāpui rangatahi and their whānau
Growing Up Takatāpui: Whānau Journeys. Interviews with seven takatāpui rangatahi and their whānau inform this resource about the journey to and the importance of whānau support in a takatāpui young person's life.
Auckland Location: Currently Closed!
Drop-in Opening Hours: Keep an eye out for updated times!
(09) 376 4155
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